Hi~ I'm Luna

and I'm just a silly girl living on this planet․
I like computer stuff, cats and am very gay.
Have a serene day/night ≺3

Hai! I'm Luna
and as I always say, I'm just another silly girl living her life on this silly planet. Silly, right?
But either way, you probably came (hehe funny word) here to find out more about me, and not read my super long and not funny text that was supposed to be funny but isn’t.
Well, guess what? You only need to do a tiny bit more work for that. Just click the button below; it's not a whole lot, I promise!
And unfortunately for you, dear reader, I’ll continue trying to be funny (and probably fail horribly) through the whole thing.

Well, what can I begin with..
I’m from Poland, or at least I was born and lived most of my life there, almost until the end of primary school. I wouldn’t really call myself a pole, tho. Maybe because I don’t really care a lot about the nationality stuff, and I don’t really feel a sense of connection to that country, or maybe some other reasons. But ye, now I no longer live there. Somewhere around the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, I moved to
<you know what to do, the button is right there>

Sweden. Yes, I live here now, and I’m still in the process of learning the language (I really dislike learning languages, so it's going quite slowly).
But I don’t think there’s really much more to say about that. It’s cool here, I would even say that living here is better than in Poland.

But okay, sure, now you know all of that. Boring, right? Who writes a whole essay to say something so short. Well, I don't know, me, I guess. But now I’ll try to tell the more interesting, at least to me, info. Just turn the page because there’s already too much text here, and it would look bad. Yes, the button again, I know, very original.

Ok, right, so. What do people actually write in their normal or even the less normal bios?.. Let me look that up real quick.
Oh, right, so click the button, I know, it’s boring by now.

I’m a trans girl (she/her pronouns). I will attach a picture that basically represents how that “happened” and stuff. (and yes, I’m a furry, if you still haven’t realized by all the pictures :))
I don't really have much more to say about that.. like, I’m pre-everything.
I’m also pansexual, if we are already on the LGTV (or whatever the abbreviation was) topic. (please don’t cancel me for that joke, it’s just really funny to me for no reason at all)

So now, my interests. I’m interested in technology, especially electronics to be even more specific, computers. I was into programming and more recently I started working with Unity (making some VRC avatars, like the one on the pictures for example. that’s me!) and a bit of other 3D stuff in general. But like, all electronics are cool, not only computers.
Also, I’m a nerd and I like to talk a lot when I feel comfortable around the people I’m with, so I’m sorry in advance if I would make you fall asleep while talking with me, unless you like sleeping, then you’re welcome. But that’s only one of my interests. I also like psychology and analyzing how people work in general. Yes, statistics are quite cool too.

Probably the third biggest interest I have is.. guns. Yes, I know, these don’t necessarily have the best reputation, but I just really like complex and cool mechanisms and stuff going boom, so aren’t guns a good representation of these two things combined?
Either ways, that’s enough talking about my interests. Now to some even more basic info about me. You know, the actually boring stuff people ask to pretend that they enjoy meeting each other.

I’m more of a cat person, but there are also many nice dogs. My favorite color is rainbow. Yes, I’m well aware that that’s not actually a color. I just like when stuff is colorful, not single colored. But pink, blue, orange and white are quite cool if I would have to choose.
Also, about my favorite games. I really like VRChat, Beat Saber, PavlovVR, R6S and Minecraft. I have also recently started playing Super Animal Royale too, it’s quite cool. But I think my all-time favorite is Watch Dogs 2. The first one was also cool, but I haven’t finished the game, so I don’t really know.

Probably the last page, my personality. I’m quite quiet and shy and can get anxious around people, especially if I don’t know them. But when I get more comfortable, I tend to be quite vibrant and will try to make everyone feel happy and “warm”. I also have a quite specific sense of humor, so well, I hope you like it.
My social battery isn’t the best, so I might need some space sometimes (even quite often) but I like spending time with others in general.
I also like helping people with stuff, especially if it involves one of my interests, like computers, or just fixing stuff in general, that’s also cool. I like fixing stuff. I like finding solutions to problems.
But that’s all folks, thanks for absolutely wasting your time and reading all of that. Hope you enjoyed!

Or wait, there’s actually one more thing that I can say. I didn’t want to include it in the main part because it’s still “under investigation” but ye, I might be neurodivergent. That’s a fun fact about me, I guess, idk.
Or I would say all of that if it would be me from like a year ago (it literally was). Now it's 2024 and "under investigation" turned into "investigated" (with a positive result).
But well, anyways..

Ok, so now.. now it’s actually The End of this thing. I don’t know why you read it, but ye, hope you enjoyed ig. Now, let me just go take the pictures for this website. It’s totally not like I wrote all of that, not even knowing if I’ll ever use it anywhere.
To VRChat I go.
See you!
Bye bye!
Have a nice whatever time of the day it is for you now!